Saturday, October 24, 2009

“Where religion ends, God starts”

Some time before I saw a quote written “Where religion ends, God starts”………and it seemed very much true. If you go back to history it is seem that the greatest atrocities in this planet has been in the name of God. There have been more than a million wars over the last 100,000 years and practically all of them were directly or indirectly the result of religion.
Strangely, religion and war are not strange bedfellows and if you count up the people who have died in religious conflicts you would have a very big number and the counter would still be spinning. So what is going on? Both religion and war seek to change minds, and when preaching fails war may be seen as a legitimate alternative. This seems a rather bizarre approach in the false belief that coercion will lead to ideological conversion (you will believe this or I will hit you!). In practice, the conflict is far more human.

Religion can never reform mankind because religion is a kind of slavery. It support blind submission to authority , it reduces human responsibility to the fact that God controls everything and in turn awful crime can be justified in the name of divine pursuit and most importantly it empower those who knows the truth but use the myth to manipulate and control the society. Religious myth is the most powerful device ever created and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myth flourish. Crusades, Jihad are all such example where thousands of people died or still dying but because of only a religious identity.

Is it always necessary to have a religious identity, aren’t our identity is not enough when we say we are human and our religion is humanity. Religions today no longer serve the purpose for which they came into existence. The very basic theme of each religion was to teach, how to love each other and bring us closer to ourselves and to God. Today the opposite is happening. Religions are not uniting but dividing us. Forget the differences from religion to religion; each now has so many divisions. The biggest problem Religions are bringing in is Fundamentalism and in-tolerance, giving birth to Fanatics, who are ready to destroy our freedom, just in the name of religion.

It is about time, to rectify our vision, rectify our way of life, and mould them to what the various religions originally desired. Humanity is the religion which all religions preach, so why not follow it as such. I wonder why people are clashing and sacrificing their much worth lives in the name of god's (ie, to prove the superiority of their religion, race or whatever).According to me religion is the other name of humanity. Religions were created to spread humanity. If there would have been only one religion in the name humanity a lot fighting and bloodshed would have been prevented from this world. Going back in time and changing the way religions have originated is impossible, but showing respect towards other religions and following humanity is still possible.

“Follow Humanity and make the world a better place to live.

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